Identification of Skin Disease Using Machine Learning and Python


  • Ramya .R, Mullai Vendhan



It is a difficult element for physicians of diagnosing problems even rising technology, in skin ailment symptoms. Most humans are uncovered to serious pores and skin ailments that require them to go to hospitals and go via quite a few distinctive high priced clinical examinations which take up to days. The proposed work can clear up the above hassle to an approachable extent, thru the graph of software by means of Python Machine Learning. An approach is based totally on vectors and pixels classification of the images, and is proposed to discover the 3 quite a number kind of pores and skin diseases: The ailments are particularly Melanoma, seborrheic keratosis and Nevus. It is a manner to become aware of the kind of sickness in simply a few seconds, making the prognosis extra quickly and realistic. These undertaking goals to classify the specific illnesses based totally on photographs given as input. The challenge is in simple terms primarily based on a python software program platform. Here the proposed approach is ply of Machine Learning with the tensor goes with the flow for educating raw data and CNN Algorithm to classify the 3 sorts of pores and skin ailments in Python application. These kind of illnesses like Melanoma, seborrheic keratosis and Nevus can be recognized and indicates the output as the identity of the ailment in python Software as output.




How to Cite

Ramya .R, Mullai Vendhan. (2022). Identification of Skin Disease Using Machine Learning and Python . Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, 71(4), 1874–1884.


